Mountains in Colorado.

Utilizing a Flipped Classroom Model for Hybrid Instruction

Professor Ramadan Abdunabi, an experienced instructor with over ten years of experience at Colorado State University, has been a transformative figure in the College of Business. His flipped classroom journey, with his Object-Oriented Systems course, reflects a commitment to evolving teaching methodologies in line with changing learning preferences.

After initially flipping his course, allowing students to complete the lecture portion outside of class and save the in-class time for a more hands-on and conversational approach, Abdunabi determined that he wanted to encourage more learner engagement and retention. As a result, he turned to PlayPosit by WeVideo.


Abdunabi adjusted not only his traditional teaching methods but also his objectives to meet the needs of learners. These objectives included:

  • Enhanced learner engagement and retention

  • Improving learner performance and skill mastery

  • Alignment of learning experiences with current employment trends


Abdunabi created interactive learning experiences with individual bulbs (PlayPosit’s word for interactive videos). The bulbs were kept brief, with a microlearning approach in mind, and each bulb included four to seven interactions. Students were allowed unlimited attempts to complete each bulb so that they could revisit content as needed before class.  


The updated flipped classroom approach with the use of PlayPosit led to:

  • Increased learner retention: By including interactive video content through PlayPosit, Abdunabi enhanced learner engagement, leading to improved retention rates.

  • Improved learner engagement: The flipped classroom model, with pre-class interactive videos, encouraged active participation, thereby increasing overall learner engagement in the course.

  • Elevated learner performance: Adoption of interactive and engaging teaching methods resulted in a noticeable improvement in the average grades of learners in Professor Abdunabi’s courses.

  • Enhanced learner mastery of skills: Through the combination of interactive pre-class content and more focused in-class discussions, students were able to experience and gain a deeper and more practical understanding of the course material.

  • Long-term metrics in relation to employment: Abdunabi's flipped model has helped learners develop practical workplace skills and has improved post-graduate employment metrics, as measured by Colorado State University.


Professor Abdunabi’s experience illuminates the power of adapting to modern learning styles and leveraging technology to enhance education. His approach improves the learning experience and prepares students for real-world challenges. 

Transform your instruction with interactive video